George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs


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3. Co-ordinated development of effective human rights education materi- als;
4. Strengthening the role and capacity of the mass media in the furtherance of  human rights education;
5. Global dissemination of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Plan focuses on stimulating and supporting national and local activities and embodies the idea of a partnership between Governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, professional associations, various sectors of civil society and individuals.
In the national context, the Plan provides for the establishment of compre- hensive (in terms of outreach), effective (in terms of educational strategies) and sustainable (over the long term) national plans of action for human rights education, with the support of international organizations. Those Plans should constitute an integral part of the national development plan (when applicable) and be complementary to other relevant national plans of action already defined (general human rights plans of action or those relating to women, children, minorities, indigenous peoples, etc.). Specific guidelines have been developed by OHCHR and endorsed by the General Assembly for the development of national plans of action for human rights education.
For further information on the Decade for Human Rights Education see the OHCHR website:

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